Every Child Deserves a Chance to Play

Play is a human right.

Play unites all of us, but too often inclusive play spaces can be hard to find – and even when spaces are accessible, it is up to all of us to create play opportunities that are truly and fully welcoming.

Get Started

You get to choose your own experience for the Inclusive Day of Play! Whether you organize an activity for your entire neighborhood – or just head out to your favorite accessible playground with your own family, there’s no wrong way to play. Here are a few steps to get started:

Why Play?

Creating the opportunity for children of all abilities toplay together is not only about equity – it also enriches the play experience for all involved. When children play together, they learn to celebrate one another’s differences, fostering mutual respect and understanding, and laying the foundation for a more inclusive society.

The Goal

Gillette Children’s has created our Inclusive Day of Play as a rallying cry to unite kids of all abilities. We’re sharing resources, raising awareness, and sending an open invitation to everyone throughout Minnesota and around the world to join in a day of play on Saturday, July 27.

Have questions, resources, or ideas to share? Contact us! We’d love to hear from you.